Consular regulations
The highlighted countries in the list below shows where SERVISUM can support you.
All staates that use the Hague Agreement are free of legalisation. More you'll find on the website of the Foreign Ministry.
Afghanistan |
Armenien / Armenia |
Australien / Australia |
Benin |
Brasilien / Brazil |
Burundi |
Dschibuti / Djibouti |
Elfenbeinküste / Côte d'Ivoire |
Ghana |
Großbritannien / Great Britain |
Guinea / Guinee |
Kambodscha / Cambodia |
Kamerun / Cameroon |
Kanada / Canada |
Kasachstan / Kazakhstan |
Kenia / Kenya |
Kirgisien / Kyrgyzstan |
Kongo / Congo (Dem. Rep.) |
Kongo / Congo (Rep.) |
Korea (Süd) / South Korea |
Kuba / Cuba |
Laos |
Madagaskar / Madagascar |
Malawi |
Mali |
Mauretanien / Mauretania |
Mauritius |
Mexiko / Mexico |
Mongolei / Mongolia |
Mosambik / Mozambique |
Myanmar |
Nepal |
Neuseeland / New Zealand |
Niger |
Nigeria |
Pakistan |
Ruanda / Rwanda |
Russland / Russia |
Sambia / Zambia |
Senegal |
Sierra Leone |
Sri Lanka |
Südsudan / South Sudan |
Swasiland / Swaziland |
Tadschikistan / Tajikistan |
Tansania / Tanzania |
Thailand |
Togo |
Tschad / Chad |
Türkei / Turkey |
Turkmenistan |
Uganda |
Ukraine |
U.S. Citizen Services |
Venezuela |
Weißrussland / Belarus |